Thursday, May 17, 2007

Here and there, this and that

so - Corinne tells me that I need to post on my blog. Sorry to leave you all waiting so long for the next installment. Now, let me think what I can talk about... well, I can always talk about my grandson - Alejandro - is he not the cutest baby you ever ever seen in the whole wide world? And already is 7 months old! In July I will finally get to see him again.

On Sunday I took my colleagues and drove my faithful little Ford (which recently had the exhaust system repaired) to a village called Stefan Voda to visit our team that was on outreach there. We enjoyed attending the little church, where the service was predominantly in Russian. I didn't understand the sermon, and am beginning to identify Cyrillic letters so I tried to read the words of the songs. Fortunately, one of the songs that was sung is a song that I heard sung recently and really liked it and so have been learning this - my first Russian song. I was able to join in wholeheartedly on the chorus (even though my pronunciation is horrid!). After church we were invited to the home of the woman who was hosting the girls and she fed us a wonderful Moldovan meal : stuffed peppers, sarmale, salad, bread and juice. I am soon going to have to start learning how to make Moldovan food. I will probably start with placinta, the Moldovan version of pie.

At the end of that day, and each day, I came home to my apartment. The building is not beautiful but now that the leaves on the trees have come and there are beautiful blossoms and flowers everywhere, the greyness of the apartment buildings is camouflaged. With all the spring flowers, one of my all-time favs is lily -of-the-valley with its wondrous aroma.
In Romanian they are called teardrops.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:44 a.m.

    It is always nice to hear about your adventures and I always look foward to reading your blogs. I can't believe Alejandro is seven months old already.
