Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Heading off on an adventure...alone...or not

Hello all!
This is just a brief update as I am asking for special prayer for tomorrow. It seems I have to go to Brussels, Belgium in order to obtain my visa to Moldova. So I will be leaving at 5.30 am to catch a 6 am train - making 3 changes along the way - and arriving in Brussels at about 10 am. Then I make my way to the Moldovan Embassy and pray that it will be as easy as they anticipate for me to receive my visa. Please pray that I can get a one-year visa with little problem. Then I have to get back to the train station and back to the conference here at deBron. Won't this be fun! In Belgium I am told they speak Dutch (don't know it), French (can get by) and Flemish (don't know it). Many people in Europe do speak English though. In the MOldovan Embassy though - if it's anything like the Polish Embassy in Toronto was - they might only speak Romanian, Moldovan and Russian... we will see. God is good and God is faithful and as tomorrow is our prayer day anyway, the train ride will give me plenty of opportunity to pray. I will be thinking of and praying for many of you specifically. We have also been aware of the horrendous situations in the news and praying for the victims in New Orleans and in Iraq. It is wonderful to be in a place where so many people are choosing to devote themselves to bringing hope to the people of the world. One of the many wonderful songs we have been singing here is 'Jesus, Hope of the Nations'. Amen. May each of you be filled with the hope and joy that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:43 a.m.

    Hi Barb

    Just read your Wednesday about going to Belgium and belatedly do hope and pray that the visa application went though. I know one can speak English in Bruxelles, French and anything else in that city. It's an international city. But as you said, going to the Polish embassy was enough to realise that other countries' embassies might be equally as trying.

    Peace and love

    Jenny H
