Saturday, August 18, 2007

Causes for Rejoicing

Well, first of all, we are excited that our Brazilian friends have returned from furlough, but I don't have any photos of them recently.

Secondly, we were delighted recently at the return of our dear team member Butje, who went home to Indonesia on vacation, taking his fiancee and came back with his wife. They eloped! Well, actually, their parents probably knew ahead of time so maybe
it wasn't eloping in the strict sense. Anyway, I had a nice visit with them when I had them over for supper while everyone else was still away on outreach. They shared their wedding photos with me so I am posting one of theirs and a photo of them at my place that evening. So this is the second cross-cultural marriage on our team this year. First American Silas married Romanian Mihaela and now Indonesian Butje has married Moldovan Liuba. I had hoped to match Liuba up with my son, but Butje was just too fast! :-) Anyway, congratulations, dear friends!

Third cause for rejoicing is that my dear friend Jurek finally came for a visit, even though it was way too brief.

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