Thursday, April 09, 2009

What?? No Facebook!

In face of the protests and riots going on, much of which is being fuelled by the communication technology easily available to young people, the communist government of Moldova has shut down access to Facebook within Moldova. So if you don't see me on Facebook - it's Vladimir Veronin's fault! (Moldovan president for just a little while longer) If you want to find out more about what's happening in this country, you can search for Moldova protests on YouTube and find a lot of footage giving a very clear image of what's going on. Please pray for Moldova during this time of instability and upheaval.


  1. Aniko B9:53 p.m.

    I am praying for you. Aniko

  2. wow. heard about you through missionary blogs. we'll be praying in honduras for you.
    -a fellow missionary
