Friday, November 03, 2006

The Canadian Experience

Lest you think that all I did during my time in Canada was to fall in love with my grandson, well, you are almost right. However, the truth is that I also had the tremendous opportunity on a beautiful October weekend of enjoying the definitive Canadian experience. My brother Bob took me out on his boat to the Gulf Islands for a two-day cruise. Once again I was reminded of the incredible beauty of my native land as I marvelled at the ocean and the landscape. So many trees, so much beauty and wildlife to be enjoyed freely. I want you to know that I did see a deer fairly close up - twice - but both times, the battery in my camera died at that moment! ARRRGHH. However, we also saw some spouting whales from a distance, and I did get a photo of an otter eating some breakfast, and a seal poked his head up from the water and came to check us out when we first docked in one harbour. Of course he was gone before I could get my camera too! It was a lovely time of just relaxing together with my brother and his wife, Jan and their daughter Anna. They were, as usual, the most incredibly wonderful hosts you could hope to have. The time with them was nice to share and it also gave Marah and Daniel a few days' break from the mother-in-law being in the small apartment. I was glad to get back, though, and take Alejandro back in my arms for a few more short days before I had to leave. This trip truly was a gift from God and I am so thankful to the Lord for making it possible, and for putting it in the heart of some very dear friends to donate the airmiles so I could go. I am back now in Moldova, and will always have these beautiful memories of Canada's west coast and my first few weeks as a grandmother!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:11 a.m.

    What a wonderful time you must have had. You certainly are blessed.
