Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Teaching English

This is my English class!From left to right you see Viorica,Lilia, Oxana, and Alina. What a great time we have together learning the sounds and meanings of the English language. I am beginning to understand why English is not considered an easy language. Just working on the vowels and vowel sounds alone, with all their variations, is pretty complicated. So on Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week we have our class. On Wednesdays I also have a separate class with my colleagues, Liuba and Ivanir. This is a typical OM reality: Ivanir (from Brazil) with an English-Portuguese dictionary, Liuba (from Moldova) with an English-Russian dictionary and me with my English-Romanian dictionary speaking together in our common language, Romanian and learning every eastern European's desired language: English. You'd be amazed how much fun three women can have learning the long vowel sounds!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 p.m.

    You know....My english is not that good, i could use some lessons:) It seems that you are having such a great time! I am a little jealous:(
    You are doing a great job, Barb and ESTI SANATOASA:))))

